
ഏറ്റുമാനൂർ ഗവ ഐടിഐയിലേക്ക് സ്വാഗതം . *** അഡ്മിഷൻ 2024 :: 2024 അദ്ധ്യയന വർഷത്തെ പ്രവേശനത്തിന് ഒഴിവുള്ള സീറ്റുകളിലേയ്ക്ക് ഓഫ് ലൈൻ അപേക്ഷ ക്ഷണിക്കുന്നു. താല്പര്യമുള്ളവർ ഐ.ടി.ഐയിൽ നേരിട്ടെത്തി അപേക്ഷ സമർപ്പിക്കാവുന്നതാണ്. അപേക്ഷ സ്വീകരിക്കുന്ന അവസാന തീയതി 11/09/2024. 5 മണി വരെ . .... . *** അപേക്ഷ സ്വീകരിക്കുന്ന അവസാന തീയതി 11/09/2024. 5 മണി വരെ . . ***


Vision & Mission


    To provide world class skill training environment for enabling the employability of individuals and meet the needs of  Industries


The Craftsman Training Scheme was introduced by government of India in 1950 to ensure a steady flow of skill workers in different trades for the domestic Industries, to raise quantitatively and qualitatively the Industrial production by systematic training, to reduce unemployment among the educated youth by providing them employable training, to cultivate and nurture a technical and industrial attitude in the minds of younger generation.

The scheme, most important in the field of vocational training, has been shaping Craftsmen to meet the existing as well as future manpower need , through the vast network of ITIs' in the state. The day-to-day administration of ITIs' under the Craftsman Training Scheme was transferred to the State Government with effect from the year 1956 


    Effective implementation of Craftsman Training Scheme and Apprenticeship Training Scheme in the state.

Ensuring world class training infrastructure in ITIs.

Enhancing industries linkage with ITIs.

Capacity building and continuous improvement of faculties and trainees.

Nourishing entrepreneurial mindset, Facilitating placements, and
inculcating the spirit of social commitment.

Confidence building among trainees by providing real time industry

Facilitating international best practices and competitions.